This 20-plus year old sculpture returns each year for a limited time.
It is made of a mixture of fiberglass and other materials that are light sensitive so exposure must be limited. Simply entitled Linda, it is one of my favorites. Yesterday we made a trip to the Denver Art Museum to see three temporary exhibits: Houdon from the Louvre, Daniel Richter--A Major Survey and In Contemporary Rhythm--The Art of Ernest L Blumenschein. All three were exceptional but since all of them were on loan to the D.A.M, no photos were allowed of the exhibits. I was, however, able to find links(above) to some of their works.
We were, however, treated to a demonstration of stone carving by Josh Meier, a local sculptor of note, seen in the photo below.
Josh Meier, demonstrating stone carving at D.A.M.
We walked through Civic Center Park and of course, since I had my camera, I took photos of favorite architecture along the way. One was our Denver Public Library just adjacent to the art museum and another was our State Capitol.
The Denver library building designed by architect Robert Graves
The Colorado State Capitol with Vietnam monument in the front