A night view of the new addition to our convention center
Last week we were out at night and came upon the building above. I had never seen it before and thought it might be the "point" of Liebeskind's new addition to the Denver Museum of Art. We decided to follow the light to see for sure. It was, in fact, the recently completed addition to Denver's Convention Center. I don't know why but it seems that every new public project becomes controversial--until it is completed and people see how its style adds to the architectural culture of the city. This one was no exception. Like all the projects before it this one was cussed and discussed thoroughly until it was completed and there was then nothing that could be done to change either the design or the cost..
Diane Carman, in today's Denver Post, uses the term "collective architectural risk aversion" to describe the fact that every generation has complained about every new arhictectural addition to our city. It was too different, too ostentatious, too costly etc. And yet, one of the things I like about Denver is that our buildings, airport, museums and libraries have an artistic flair to them. There is a mixture of old, new, traditional, modern and outright weird. One of my favorite things to do is the Walking tour of Lower Downtown. It reflects the evolution of Denver from "a mining town on the Platte River" to the city we have today.
Posted by: Rhonda | April 20, 2005 at 07:55 PM