I really needed a quiet weekend with like-minded friends and enjoyable activities. I had just that. Friday was a snowy day and I cocooned in my art room collecting collage materials and trying out some new gizmos guaranteed to inspire and release my well-hidden talent.
Saturday I met at Common Grounds Coffee Shop with eight other women, most of whom are middle-school art teachers, for a show and tell art day. Some of the women primarily keep handwritten journals with added visuals, some keep sketchbook and travel journals, one brought a journal created from Word documents with digital photos pulled in--which she prints daily and keeps in a binder. some are more into craft than art, but all are fascinating and enjoyable companions with a shared enthusiasm for art and writing.
After showing and telling, one women gave us all a blank playing-card and we each made an original art card to put in a bowl so each person could draw one to take home.
Yesterday evening my husband and I were invited for a Raclette dinner with our friends Paula and Dave and Xell, a mutual friend from Spain. Almost two years ago Xell and her sister gave both families a Raclette Grill and we have had such fun with them. It is one of those cook-eat-and-talk meals that can last for hours. A typical meal includes several kinds of meats-- usually beef, chicken and fish--as well as potatoes, mushrooms, broccoli, asparagus or other vegetables in season. In small trays placed on the lower level of the grill various types of cheese are melted to pour over the vegetables. All of us had been keeping a stressful schedule lately so it was nice to just relax.
Tonight I am going to a baseball game to see my Rockies play the reigning World Series Champions, the Florida Marlins.
My batteries have been recharged and I am content--for another week or so.