I bought the last present today. All the names on the list have been checked off. Whew! Now the wrapping begins. Tomorrow I can wrap the ones that I will take to UPS on Monday. Today was totally consumed with small errands: picking up a prescription, ordering the fresh turkey, picking up boxes, ordering flowers for my parents--they absolutely do not want gifts and going to four places before I found the two gifts I needed. I came home so weary that I slept for over an hour. I didn't cook. I ate the rest of my Wolfgang Puck lunch from yesterday. Bob had some left-over chicken and veggies. I did some laundry then made a tentative menu-and-ingredient list for Christmas Day. Bob is in the last 100 pages of Da Vinci Code so I don't expect to see much of him until the book is finished. Now I'm ready to read for a couple of hours. A lot of energy expended but not a lot accomplished! The good news is that Christmas is on its way and I am not at all stressed.